risk management: monitor and manage risk,即对影响公司持续经营和业绩的风险进行防患于未然的控制。
ethics: 包括business ethics和corporate social responsibility。
对BOD的要求: 要有regular的bod meeting。
set up decision making process
1/3的non executive directors
bod should be supplied infomation to discharge their duty
remuneration: 要不高不低,吸引人才又不浪费金钱。
要disclose remuneration policy in the annual report.
relationship with shareholders: BOD’s responsibility to dialogue with institutional shareholders.
Annual general meeting to communicate with investors.
accountibility: BPD 要present balanced and understandable assessment of the pompany’s position and prospect.
Maintain internal control system to safeguard shareholders’ wealth.
Audit committee: deal with external auditor
keep independence and objectivity .