But like one of the other maniacs stated before me
What is the ruling for salaried employees who work less than the agreed upon hours? Can the rete of pay for an sa;laried employee be cut for 1 work week just because he did not. Also,API Std 671 (R2010) PDF, if you salaried,API Spec 7 Addendum 3 PDF, they can probably say that you agreed to be available 24 hours a day when you accepted the position.
But like one of the other maniacs stated before me,API Bull 939E PDF, the show clearly has a limited budget and it shows. That's why we keep getting stock footage of the superman cape when we see Clark's future,API Publ 353 PDF, or like they did when Lex was on the show and they showed him as President a couple of times.
just inserted in a different
He concedes the cameras may alter one thing
who emphasised that over 38 |