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admin 发表于 2006-11-11 19:18:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

        整个冬天是那么的寒冷,所有的一切都那么的不如人意。我每天都沉浸在张雨生那悲壮的歌声里:我最深爱的人伤我却是最深,进退我无权选择……因为我是一棵秋天的树。正所谓的福无双至、祸不单行,在2003年初,所在公司宣告破产, 城门失火,殃及池鱼。树倒猢狲散。我们这些无名小卒就开始各自逃命了。先知先决们早已屁股冒烟——溜了;有门路的换个单位继续过平凡但很平安的生活;手里或家里有钱的开个小馆子当起了小老板;还有脸皮比较厚的留在领导岗位上继续为自己服务;更有什么都没有的就只好与公司荣辱与共,呆在公司里等着领半年或一年前的工资活命或养家。我既没有千里眼能看到未来,有没有顺风耳能听到什么小道消息;既不想厚着脸皮留下来,又没有足够的忠心与公司同生死、共患难。于是我只好重操旧业,于2003年毅然决然的报考了ACCA的1.1 Preparing Financial Statements和1.2 Financial Information Management 这两门课程,还放羊拣柴禾的捎带了如:1.3 Managing people 人力资源管理, 2.1 Information Systems 信息系统,。
        走投无路的我只有背水一战了,我在原公司附近租了一间小屋,取名为草人居,每天到学校图书馆复习,开始了我专业考试的生活。这样的生活我想有不少人都经历过,也能体会其中的喜怒哀乐、酸甜苦辣。枯燥的一天一天往往由于享受不到别人享受的正常人应该拥有的生活而更加郁闷,但是这些同时又被学习和领会一个个如相关的IASs( International Accounting Stardards) 和ISAs( Internatioanl Standards on Auditing)、一章章后面的Chapter roundup带来的喜悦所抛弃,就这样紧紧张张忙忙碌碌的到了收获的季节。考试的第一科是成本会计,拿到试卷以后,我粗略的看了一下感觉不是很难,因为题型基本都做过,所以感觉良好,但是真正做了起来却发现里边陷阱太多了,于是放慢了速度,就这样不知不觉时间一分一秒的过去了,等剩余时间的哨子吹响时,我的头一下大了起来,这时检查了试卷,发现还有二十分的题还没有做,想着这一下全完了:一年的汗水和泪水、一年的辛酸和苦涩!就这样梦还没有开始就已经破碎了。我怎样去面对我的亲友?怎样去接受别人异样的眼光?我的汗马上就下来了,手也发颤,我几乎要哭了出来:天啊,我该怎么办呢?接下来的20余分钟我象发了疯一样,拼命的看、拼命的写,不去想太多也没有时间想太多,就这样到结束时,我把剩余的题目都画了画,走出考场我如同丢了魂一样,也不知自己是怎么回到小屋的,只知道晚饭也没吃就倒头就睡,这样到第二天早上。








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 楼主| admin 发表于 2006-11-11 19:18:49 | 显示全部楼层




1.    从大方向入手:ACCA培养的是一个控制公司财务的财务经理以上级别的人,而不是一个记帐员,因此在看书的时候就要抓大放小。一本厚厚的书,找到它内在的思路和规则,确定自己的思维框架,把不同的内容放到自己的框架中去。这个绝对区别于以前的分数导向型学习。分数导向型的时候,学生过多关注于小的结果,而对于知识之间的各自结构和关联并不关心,这个是老师在教授“应试技术”的时候考虑的。ACCA的学习需要一个整体的概念,对于时间紧张的时候,越早建立自己对这门课程的框架,越能提前决定自己的学习重点,以免在已经掌握的学习点上浪费时间。

2.    时间的分配:不管是考场上面决定结果的3小时还是开始学习的12周,时间始终是我们最重要的资源。分数导向型学习的时候,学习的进度是由老师控制的,学生只要跟随就可以了。知识导向型学习的时候,你可以自己控制学习的进度,在如果有点地方非常感兴趣,完全可以超出考试的范围,自己发掘研究,会对自己的整个知识体系有更好的促进和提高。

3.    平和的心态和乐观的精神:我从参加考试到最后完成,经历的3年的时间。在这3年当中,期间也有许多的杂事和起伏,比如一门考试连续考了3次,比如上场发现一道题目完全是自己落在自己的框架以外。也有过生病的时候,也有过情绪低落的时候。现在回头看看,整体上比较平和的心态和乐观的精神是支持我通过考试的核心。分数导向型学习的时候,你没有选择的机会,高考是必须面对的,而在知识导向型学习的时候,你随时可以选择离开这个比赛。坚持下去需要的是精神力量。而且今后的学习和工作中还会遇到问题和难关,究竟是采用什么样子的方式方法,我很高兴我在参加考试的时候就有机会来体味这种选择,使得我不会在离开学校的时候手忙脚乱。










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 楼主| admin 发表于 2006-11-11 19:20:22 | 显示全部楼层
标题:My Experiences in ACCA Studying

These days, I have heard lots of criticisms about ACCA:
Some people complained its high level expenses; some people said that it was too hard to pass. But on the contrary, I also heard some people expressed that the courses were too easy and was not worthy to learn.

I write down my experiences and true feelings, hope it could be helpful to the people like me who want to learn and could encourage my ACCA classmates, also all of the potentials.

I have been working in the foreign company for several years and have no time to prepare my exam during the day time. At night, I must take care of my baby. So, actually, I don’t have enough time to prepare the examination. Therefore, the learning skill and efficiency are extremely important for me.
Till now, I have past 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.3 without any failure.
I want to say that ACCA is not so hard but it is useful and practical for me.

My history:

I heard ACCA for the first time in 1999. At that time, I just graduated from the university and joined a JV, worked as a cost accountant. My first manager was an ACCA member and my colleagues told me that ACCA was very famous but was hard to pass. She earned 8K RMB per month in 1999 when she was 28 years old.

In 2003, I got the CICPA license and wanted to make a decision between MBA course and ACCA. Finally I chose ACCA to further enhance my professional and English level. Certainly, the cost was also one of the considerations.

In Dec., 2004, when my baby was 6 month, I tried ACCA firstly, 2.4, Financial Management and Control:
I spent relatively more time in this subject compared with others since it was my first one. Reading text book costed me lots of time but it didn’t have direct contribution to pass the exam.
For 2.4, the first question is crucial. You should pay your attention on practice, especially the first question.
The investment appraisal skill is valuable. It is a basis that you should know to be a good finance manager or finance director nowadays.

2.5 Financial Reporting & 2.6 Audit and Internal Review, In 2005.06 I attended these two subjects with 1 month preparation, also both past:
The 2.5 is easy if you have accounting background. But you must have certain level of ability in analysis if you want to pass. You will find that you could read the statement of your company quicker after this subject.
For 2.6, since I had never been an auditor and I had heard many remarks regarding to its difficulties. So I had not expected that I could pass for the first time. If you have learned CICPA course of audit, you would find the differences. The ACCA exam stresses the risk analysis and corresponding audit procedures as a result of your analysis, and sure, the internal control procedures should be concerned also.
If you work in a company, you would know the necessity to know the internal control procedures and systems. In 2.6, you could get these kinds of information.

3.1 Audit and Assurance Services and 3.3 Performance Management: (I used much less time on these two subjects.)
3.1: you must read the article by the examiner, especially the series of articles about the answer skill. Business risk and audit risk analysis are most important here, the importance level of internal control was decreased. Maybe the risk analysis in this subject is not very helpful for the accountants or even finance managers, but in today’s competitive environment, the finance directors, CFOs should have this ability.
3.3: I recited some concepts mechanically in this subject. Although this course is not very difficult, but the performance management does not often appear in our accounting books.
Following are some general suggestions based on my experiences:

    Plan you career first and then choose the right course which could help you to realize your goal. Since I work in foreign company, so based on my own feeling, ACCA courses have positive impact on my job.

    If you think ACCA course is good to your career, then just learn it. ACCA exams are not very difficult to pass because its marking rule and its regularity.

    Compared with CICPA, it is not easy to say that which one is easier, because these two courses are not completely comparable. The relative advantage of ACCA is that it includes more widely knowledge and it more focus on analysis ability of the students.

    Please make it clear that your destination is to learn knowledge not others. Your future success is affected by many other factors also.

For the ACCA study, some detailed suggestions for your reference:

    Reading the relative articles especially the ones written by the examiner, especially the articles issued before the exam.

    If money is not big problem for you, attend the training courses. Because during the courses, you may know the key points of each subject then you could save your time in revision and also enhance your possibility to pass.

    Do not read the text book word for word. It is normal that if you can not understand all of the topics.

    Practice, practice and practice. The past exam papers are the best choice to practice.

    Concentrate on the key areas within your limited time!

Before the exam, you’d better:

    Collect all the tips and make sure that all the points on the tips have been reviewed.

    List the key words by your own expression way and recite.

    Make sure that you have read the latest article of the examiner.

    Prepare all the stationery you need.

    Know the exact location of the examination room.

    Believe yourself!

Gook luck!
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