<H1><FONT size=4>[quote] </FONT>
<H1><FONT size=4>Unlock your mind</FONT></H1>
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<P><FONT size=4>Like many people, the chances are that when you plan work, take notes or revise, you use lists. You may use headings and sub-headings, or even highlight key phrases. However, in the very act of doing this, you are restricting your brain.<BR>'When you make a list, your life changes for the worse. It's like ramming your brain into a dead end. Writing a list builds cement blocks for the feet,' says Tony Buzan. The idea of researching another way to use the brain and maximise its effectiveness came to Tony when he was studying at university. Realising the more he took notes and the more he studied, the worse his marks became, he was drastically in need of an alternative way of learning. 'In desperation before the exams, I zipped through mounds of notes, frantically underlining,' Tony explains. 'I started double underlining the really key points, then used boxes, and highlighted phrases. Then I began to use lines and arrows to join up points that seemed connected, and low and behold, before my eyes was a picture of the map inside my head. It was a series of gentle eurekas and then one very big eureka!</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4>My first book, Use Your Head, for the BBC, only took me half-an-hour to Mind Map.' His book, incidentally, has sold approaching 3 million copies worldwide, making it the BBC's best ever selling international book.<BR>The key concept of Mind Maps is that you are reflecting on paper your brain's natural way of working. Your mind doesn't work in a linear way at all, which is why pages and pages of notes are hard to produce and digest properly. Mind Maps have four essential characteristics: </FONT>
<LI><FONT size=4>the subject of attention is crystallised in a central image </FONT>
<LI><FONT size=4>the main themes of the subject radiate from the central image on branches </FONT>
<LI><FONT size=4>branches hold a key image/word printed on the associated line â |