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法律英语英释词汇简明手册(G~N)(FOR Preview of F4)









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香铭 发表于 2008-1-17 13:22:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
材料出处:《法律英语教程》 李荣甫   宋雷 主编    北京:法律出版社,1999

General acts: acts which relate to the community generally, or establish a universal rule for the whole body politic.

Goodwill: the value of a business as a result of patronage, reputation.

Hearing: trial of a case at law, especially before a judge without a jury.

Hearsay: common talk; rumor; what one has heard another person or other person say.

Impair: weaken, damage

Impanel: to choose a jury in a law case.

In rem: a technical term used to designate proceedings or actions instituted against thing, not personal actions.

Incentive: an encouragement to greater activity.

Infringement: a violation of a law or rights secured by patents, copyrights and trademarks.
Injunction: an order.

Inquisitorial: of or like an investigator or an officer who is appointed by law to make an inquiry.

Instrumentality: agency, means by which function or policies are carried out.

Interpretation acts: the acts which give a definition of words commonly found in legislation.

Intestacy: the state or condition of dying without having made a valid will, or without having disposed by will of a part of his property.

Invalidate: to deprive of the legal force.

Judge: to hear and try cases in a law court; public officer with authority to hear and decide cases in a law court.

Judiciary: the judges of a country collectively; the system of law courts in a country; of or by a court or a judge.

Judiciary: the law and its administration; judge of the supreme courts.

Jurisdiction: areas of authority, the geographic area in which a court has power to hear and determine a case.

Jurisdiction: the power to hear and decide the issues in case and to bind the parties.

Jurist: one who is skilled in law or a legal scholar.

Jury: a body of persons selected according to law and sworn to give a verdict on some matter according to the evidence.

Law suit: a noncriminal case in a court of law.

Layman: non-professional; not expert, esp. with reference to the law and medicine.

Lead-time: the period of time between the decision to make a product and the start of production.

Lease: a written agreement, made according to law, by which the use of a building or piece of land is given by its owner to somebody for a certain time in return for rent.

Legislate: to enact laws or pass resolutions via legislation in contrast to court-made law.

Legislation: the laws made; statutes; the act of giving or enacting laws.

Legitimacy: the quality or fact of being based on or in compliance with the law.

Liability: legal obligation or duty.

Libel: the publication in permanent from of a statement which tends to expose a person to hatred, ridicule or contempt.

License: formal or legal permission to do something specified.

Litigation: going to law; making a claim at a court of law; contesting at a court of law.

Magistrate: a civil officer acting as a judge in the lowest courts; justice of the peace.

Magistrate: a person clothed with power as a public civil officer with executive or judicial power.

Memorandum: a note recording the particulars of an event.

Merit: worth; excellence; quality that deserves reward.

Monopoly: a privilege or peculiar advantage vested in one or more persons or companies, consisting in exclusive right to carry on a particular trade or business.

Monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a given market.

Mortgage: the transfer of an estate or interest in land or other property in order to secure the payment of a debtor the discharge of some other obligation.

Motion: proposal to be discussed and voted-on at a meeting; proposal to settle a dispute at a court of law.

Negotiate: to meet with another so as to arrive through discussion at some kind of agreement or compromise about something.

Negotiation: a method of dispute resolution where either the parties themselves of the representatives of each party attempt to settle conflicts without resort to the court.

Nexus: connection, bond.

Nuisance: that which annoys and disturbs one in possession of his property, rendering its ordinary use of occupation physically uncomfortable to him.
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