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[ACCA活动] Why AIA is weaker and ACCA is better? Let me explain!









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香铭 发表于 2007-4-19 07:30:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why AIA is weaker and ACCA is better? Let me explain!

The AIA is an international accountancy and examining body offering a professional qualification. Under the UK Companies Act 1989, the AIA accountancy qualification is a recognised professional qualification for company auditors for those choosing to undertake the required practical training with a registered auditor. Members of AIA holding the audit qulification can practise as registered auditors in the UK under the control of a recognised supervisory body. In other word, AIA isn't chartered auditor, just could act as an auditor under the some supervise. Event CGA is better than AIA because CGA is powered by the Canada's law. In the other side, The ACCA is the most widely sought after of all the UK accountancy qualifications. One of the six members of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB), the Association is also one of the largest accountancy bodies in the UK with great influence and large student bodies in many Commonwealth countries. The CCAB member bodies are the noly recognised accountancy bodies in the United Kingdom. AIA isn't member of the CCAB. The ACCA operates Joint Examination Schemes(JES) with the recognised professional accounting bodies in Barbados, Botswana, Guyana, Jamaica, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Hong Kong, Trinidad & Tobago and Zambia. Variant paers in local Tax and Law exist for candidates in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malawi. In addition, the Auditing and Financial Accounting Papers are 'adapted' to reflect any differences between the UK and local legislation that feature in questiongs that have been set. Also, candiates in Czech Repulbic, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Poland, Scotland and South Africa can sit separate papers or adapted papers in Tax and/or Law. Passing the Joint Examinations and acquring the requisite practical experience mean candidates can apply to both boies for membership in their respective countries. Some thing I must note here is that the nations that have JES with ACCA most recognise the premier associates of accouting I list below. It is not hestate for me to say ACCA is the best international accouting program in China, because ACCA's academic support and number of membership in China is much better than the others. These are the treasures of the body and the membership in China. If membership of ACCA falls in some problem, he could find a lot of help while other bodies' membership may just fight on himself. As a surplus, let me list the primier accouting program at each country, these primier accouting bodies tend to recognise each other more and more, special within the English speaking world. UK: ICAEW USA: AICPA Australia: ICAA New Zealand: ICANZ Hong Kong: HKICPA Canada: CICA Commendation on ICAEW: This is the premier recognised accountancy body in the United Kingdom. Membership is strictly through approved training and passing of examinations. The Institute has some 2,000 offices authorized for training prospective members in both Public Practice and Industry and Commerce. It is one of the six members of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies in the United Kingdom. Commendation on CICA: Incorporated by a special Act of the Canadian Parliament, the CICA is the premier accounting body in Canada and Bermuda.
Comment on CGA: CGA is not recognised in HK, China, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, US, UK, all members state of EU...etc. But some countries of Africa recognise CGA Association of Canada
Some comment on CIMA: The CIMA is the only recognised UK accountancy body specialising exclusively in cost and management accouting. The instituete has considerable influence and large student bodies in many commonwealth countries. Unlike the FCCA, the FCMA is not granted automatically. According to the institute's bye-law 4, it is granted to thoese who have had such practical experience (not less than 3 years) as a management accountant in a senior and responsible position. The most pitty thing is nowatime we cann't sit in the exam of these best associates in mainland, China. The members of the ICAEW, AICPA, ICAA, ICANZ, HKICPA and CICA is more international accepted than ACCA. So I advise if finance allowed, you should take flight to sit these bodies' exam.
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